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O Frabjous Day!

This song is a reimagining of the Lewis Caroll classic, “Jabberwocky”.

‘Twas brillig and the slithey toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe.
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!”

O frabjous day! Callooh callay! O frabjous day! Callooh callay!

He took his vorpal sword in hand; long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree and stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood, the Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, and burbled as it came! (Burble! Burble! Burble!)

O frabjous day! Callooh callay! O frabjous day! Callooh callay!

One, two! One, two! And through and through the vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
And chopped the poison grob snake that was coiled to attack.
The Jabberwock was so impressed! She reached out for the prize,
Then propped it up with a forble stick and cooked it with her eyes.

O frabjous day! Callooh callay! O frabjous day! Callooh callay!

They ate the meal together, J.W. and the lad,
And with tummies full of grob snake, they traversed to meet dear Dad.
“Hast thou befriended Jabberwock?” father asked as they strolled inside.
“Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” he chortled with beamish pride.

O frabjous day! Callooh callay! O frabjous day! Callooh callay!

’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe.

O frabjous day! Callooh callay! O frabjous day! Callooh callay!

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Five Men and the Elephant

Once upon a time there was a town with an elephant
Visiting from another place.
Five men in the town longed to understand the elephant
But couldn’t use the eyes upon their face.
(They had severe visual impairment)

But they had an inner vision that came from other senses
Like smelling, hearing, tasting, and to touch.
They travelled to the place where the elephant was resting
And expressed that they would very much
“…like to meet her, if that’s okay.”

Ahoy Large Land Creature!
Welcome to our town!
We’re very glad to meet you
And to see
What you might be.

Man 1 said, “It’s a tree trunk.” Man 2 said, “No, a snake!”
Man 3 said, “The elephant’s a wall.”
Man 4 said, “The elephant is flat and floppy like a fan.”
Man 5 said, “You’re all
Crazy! It’s a spear!”

The caretaker smiled and expressed appreciation
For astute observations that were made.
She said, “Without using eyes you have analyzed the elephant.
And I would like to say, well-played!
And you’re all correct.”

Ahoy Large Land Creature!
Welcome to our town!
We’re very glad to meet you
And to see
What you might be.

The caretaker said, “The elephant’s legs are cylindrical
And sturdy like the trunk of a tree.
The tail at the back is thin and rather rope-like,
Or if you prefer, ‘Snakey’.
(But it’s a tail.)

“The side of the elephant is wide and tall and solid,
Like the side of a building or a wall.
The ear of the elephant is flat like a fan.
And in addition to teeth more small,
It has 2 long spear-like teeth called tusks.”

Ahoy Large Land Creature!
Welcome to our town!
We’re very glad to meet you
And to see
What you might be.

They all moved up to the front of the elephant
And something like a firehose wrapped them round
It gave each one a kiss on the cheek
Then loudly blurted out a trumpet sound!
“That’s the trunk,” said the caretaker. “It’s like a long nose!”

Then the men walked around get some new perspectives
And observed the elephant from tail to tooth.
They rememebered it’s important to listen to each other
When it comes to understanding the whole truth.
It’s a big part of consultation!

Ahoy Large Land Creature!
Welcome to our town!
We’re very glad to meet you
And to see
What you might be.

Ahoy Large Land Creature!
We’re glad you came to town!
To remind us to listen to each other
So we can see
What the truth might be.

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Ziggindy Bo!

Ziggindy bo
Ziggindy bo
A fleeple merpna me.

Flibbinzy doe
Flibbinzy doe
Zabeepa lobner zee!

Ziggindy bo
Ziggindy bo
Zerpa nerple nee!

Wyzagoodle blah zabeen,
Scappa lapna gee!


Sclabern. Sclaboyn.

Sclabern. Sclaboyn.
Lazabo Dazabo neem.


Ziggindy bo
Ziggindy bo
A fleeple merpna me.

Flibbinzy doe
Flibbinzy doe
Zabeepa lobner zee!

Ziggindy bo
Ziggindy bo
Zerpa nerple nee!

Wyzagoodle blah zabeen,
Scappa lapna gee…

Wyzagoodle blah zabeen…
Scappa lapna gee!


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C                                      F       C
I am an odd one, what can I do?

C                                                 F          C
You have three joints; I only have two.

C                                                    F            C
You’re tall and thin, and I’m a stumpy thing.

C                                                  F               C
I don’t wear ornaments, and you wear rings.

C                                                        F                C
Just ‘cause I’m different doesn’t mean I’m dumb.

C                                     F        C
You are a finger and I am a thumb.

C                        F        C    G                                          C
Opposable, opposable. Aren’t we lucky we’re opposable?
Opposable, opposable. Aren’t we lucky we’re opposable?

F                                                   C
Sometimes I’m lonely going a different way.

G                                                          C
You stick with your friends; I stick out like a …

Sore thumb

F                                                        C
But we’re a good team; we pick up a lot.

F                                             C
I love what you are, I love what you’re not.

Whoa, Whoa.

If I was broken, you’d be broken, too.
‘Cause there’s so many things we couldn’t do.
Like putting on clothes and opening jars.
Not to mention eating candy bars.


Opposable, opposable. Aren’t we lucky we’re opposable?
Opposable, opposable. Aren’t we lucky we’re opposable?

So raise your hands up high and treat them well!
Put those digits to work and make them tell
The world
That we’re a family with so much to give.
Without each  other it’d be hard to live.
And sad.

Whoa, whoa.

So if we think that we’re on different sides,
We need to look down to where we abide.
We’re all connected to the place we stand.
Essential parts of an amazing hand!

Opposable, opposable. Aren’t we lucky we’re opposable?
Opposable, opposable. Aren’t we lucky we’re opposable?
Opposable, opposable. Aren’t we lucky we’re opposable?

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Staying (Barely) Alive

Staying Alive – a re-imagining by Sydney Hanson Mandt

Well, you can tell by the way I use my walker
That I’m old. I like to talk
All about my aches and pains.
And the food I eat is all pureed.

It’s alright. It’s okay if you don’t hear the things I say.
‘Cause i don’t care if you understand,
And I’ll just say them all again.

If I had my druthers,
I’d live with my other kid.
Staying alive, staying alive.

See my hands are shakin’. I wish I could eat bacon.
I’m stayin’ alive, barely alive.

Ah, ah, ah, ah
Stayin’ alive. Stayin’ alive.
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Stayin’ aliiiiiiiiiiive.

Oh I’m old!

Is that my paper over there?
Is that the robe I like to wear?
Slippers are my daily shoes.
The weather is my favorite news.

It’s alright. It’s okay
If you don’t hear the things I say.
‘Cause I don’t care if you understand,
And I’ll just say them all again.

If I had my druthers, I’d live with my other kid.
Stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive.

See my hands are shakin’. I wish I could eat bacon,
I’m staying alive, barely alive.

I go on Facebook,
Go outside to smoke.
And then I take a nap.

I don’t like bedtime.
Tolerate mealtime.
And bathroom time is crap.

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Do the Body Drag

This is a song I wrote in 2014 when I worked as a cook in a retirement home. I don’t remember the tune.

Reading this reminds me of how exhausted I would be after cooking for 8 or more hours a day.

It also reminds me that our shower was not working at the time.

Body Drag      (2/10/14)

Out of bed 
And to the tub.
Wipe it out
(A minor scrub)
Fill it up and
Get inside.
Wash, rinse, stand up,
Drain and dry.

It’s the body drag.
Do the body drag.

Put on clothes
And eat some food.
Make some coffee.
Drink it. Good.
Drive the car 
To work, and park.
Stay indoors
From light to dark.

It’s the body drag.
Do the body drag.

Deliver dishes,
Food and drink.
Take when dirty.
Soak in sink.
Wash, put away,
Half hour break.
Go back to it
For a paycheck’s sake.

It’s the body drag.
Do the body drag.

Pick up kids.
Take them places.
Run some errands.
Mirror faces.
Come home, make food,
Put on table.
Talk to family
As you’re able.

It’s the body drag.
Do the body drag.

Don pajamas.
Get in bed.
Read what sacred
Writers said.
Take some pills.
Set the alarm.
Sleep. Wake up.
Do it all again.

It’s the body drag.
Do the body drag.

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Maki’s Wakeup Call

Good morning Magoo! It’s a brand new day!
Gotta wake up to enjoy it!

Oh good morning Magoo! It’s a brand new day!
Gotta get up to see the sun shine.

So get out of bed and put on your clothes.
Nobody knows what the day will bring.

Just open your mouth, and swallow some food,
(First chew it good) and then you can sing…

Good morning Magoo! It’s a brand new day!
Gotta get up to enjoy it!

Oh good morning Magoo! It’s a brand new day!
Gotta get up to see the sun shine.